Mémoires de Master 2 soutenus à la Faculté Jean Monnet

Droit des contrats internes et internationaux
Année universitaire : 2017-18

  • Auteur : Dariya Babyak
  • Directeur : Christophe Seraglini

Weaker Parties in Online Arbitration  

  • Résumé :

    As a recent alteration of classical arbitration, at the time of its development, the current legal arbitration framework was not thought to meet the specificities of online arbitration. Indeed, some of the requirements like the agreements to be ‘in writing’ and territorial based prerequisites seem to be out-of-date when dematerialised and virtual quality of arbitration is taken into account. Thus, the question which merits to be studied is: to which extent does the current legal arbitration framework needs to be adapted for the efficiency and legality of online arbitration with weaker parties?

  • Langue du texte : English
  • Mots-clés : Arbitration, online arbitration, ODR, weaker parties
  • Domaine(s) :
    • Droit international privé
    • Contrats
  • Nombre de pages : 50